Amazon Kindle arrived

Amazon Kindle 3 arrived


Amazon Kindle 3 arrived

Amazon Kindle 3 arrived

Amazon Kindle 3 arrived

Amazon Kindle 3 arrived

Amazon Kindle 3 arrived


micro USB b-type cable and usb-ac plug included in the box.

Amazon Kindle 3 arrived

Amazon Kindle 3 arrived


Amazon Kindle 3 arrived

Kindle started booting...

I plugged cable into MacBook, so I unmounted the kindle from OSX.

Before I unmounted, I putted mobi files from O'reilly ebooks.

Amazon Kindle 3 arrived

Then kindle showed introduction to me

Amazon Kindle 3 arrived

Wi-fi networking

First I arrived to kindle's home screen, kindle showed a wi-fi setting dialog

Amazon Kindle 3 arrived

But kindle doesn't work well to my corega router. It can resolve by static ip settings.

kindle automatically linked to my account.

Amazon Kindle 3 arrived


It can access from menu-search.

I accessed to twitter... javascripts worked well!

Japanese fonts included to kindle. Monochrome twitter.

Amazon Kindle 3 arrived

Amazon Kindle 3 arrived


I putted a mobi file from o'reilly

Page moving is fast, But Viewing is not beautiful when page is changing...

Amazon Kindle 3 arrived

Amazon Kindle 3 arrived

more pictures

Available at flickr.

I'll put another review after I used kindle few times.

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