I become ruby commiter

eb87f08d82d018e07cd7747ccb6559b7.png [ruby-dev:43227] Re: [Ruby 1.9-Feature#4415][Open] Rubyのtest-allを並列化するパッチが完成しました

I'm very surprising.... What's happen?

matz said,

コミット権も差し上げましょう。希望するアカウント名、PGP署名 したssh2公開鍵を cvs-admin に送ってください。

I give an account for you. Please send account name that one wants to create and your ssh2 public key (PGP signed) to cvs-admin.


Now you're the youngest ruby commiter.

... Wow, I become ruby commiter.

And I mailed SSH key now.

I was very very, very surprised to attain a one of goals in this year, because 2011 pasted just 2 months...!

I continue to devote oneself.


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